Ice Cream Conversations: My Journey from Infertility to Motherhood

It was a hot September day in 2010 and the counters in the Dairy Queen were sticky. The smell of waffle cones and sugary sweets wafted through the air as I nervously shifted in the red plastic covered booth. My husband, Chris, and I sat across from our twelve-year-old foster son as the three of... Continue Reading →


  The touch of ceramic, cool on my lips Hot liquid pours in, savory sweet bliss Each sip fills my heart, joy brims to overflow Memories flow, warm through my mind Fresh cut grass, green and rolls of hay bales in the field Chasing chicken through the pen, feathers fly through the air Playing in... Continue Reading →


Tears flow down They fall like the rain There's no end to my sorrow and pain Too many nights I'm crying for You There's just nothing left for me to do I'm reaching out I just need a touch from You Hope breaks through the cracks in the wall I've built around my bleeding heart Starting to see... Continue Reading →

A Letter From Mama Bear

Dear Teacher, My husband and I have spent 5 years building up our daughters self-worth-- telling her she's amazing, happy, a good leader, friend, person, and lots more. We've worked diligently at making sure her tiny ego is developed with armor comprised of unconditional love, realistic expectations, positive affirmations, and focused confidence in her and her abilities. We recognized early... Continue Reading →

Taking Off the Mask

Wearing a mask brings certain comforts, but it also may hinder our personal growth. As long as we wear the mask we don’t have to deal with the underlying problem. But when we are truly able to confront the truth about ourselves we will find true freedom. We can find healing.

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